Papa 4oz - Choose your blend!
Choose from the following blends:
•Eucalyptus Peppermint
•Tea Tree
•Citronella Rosemary
Detailed information and list of uses for each different blend option below:
Lavender blend's uses are as follows:
-Dry skin and chapped lips. Using clean hands, simply massage into effected areas.
-Dandruff and "cradle cap". You can use Lavender blend two ways here. Apply to the scalp during shower or bath then wash thoroughly. For more severe cases and better results, apply generously before bed the night before your shower or bath and wash thoroughly the next day.
-Dry or damaged hair. Before washing: Apply the night before a shower or bath or half an hour before. Spread into your hands and apply to the ends of your hair as generous as you think you need. Be sure to get every strand. Comb if you prefer. Then wash very thoroughly. After washing: Spread a SMALL amount into your hands as if you had only used just enough for it to have been your hand lotion. Finger through damp or nearly dry ends. If you're unsure of how much to use, then use less than you think you should at first.
-General moisturizing or massage. Warm in clean hands and apply anywhere on the body.
-Minor cuts and burns. Lavender blend is disinfecting, anti inflammatory, antiseptic, anti bacterial and helps relieve pain topically. Apply a small amount as many times a day as you wish for as long as it takes the abrasion to heal. This blend will minimize scarring and will naturally heal you much quicker than if you didn't use anything at all.
-Soothes stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Apply Lavender blend on the temples, front and back of neck, chest and feet to help calm the mind and relax the body.
-Bug repellant. Apply anywhere on the body that is exposed to use as a bug repellant. Our Lemongrass blend is also a fantastic and effective bug repellant.
-Eczema and Psoriasis. Apply directly to the effected areas. My customers get a lot of great results for this particular usage.
-Diaper rash- cloth diaper safe!! Apply to baby's clean bum after each diaper change as needed. Lavender blend will NOT build up in cloth diapers and are 100% cloth safe. This blend is anti fungal, anti inflammatory and antibacterial so it will provide optimal healing for any diaper rash. (Note*any diaper rash that lasts for over 3 days is likely a yeast rash and you will need to take extra healing precautions in this case.)
-Anti-wrinkle. Apply twice daily to a clean, dry face (and neck+chest). Lavender blend has anti-aging properties, tones skin and firms skin.
-Hair loss (alopecia). Apply directly to effected areas. If you apply to scalp, was thoroughly after at least 30 minutes.
-Headaches or migraines. Apply dabs with your fingertip to temples, behind ears, upper lip area, back of neck, and chest. Apply enough that you can smell it once you're finished with application. (Note*if your headache is sinus related, I suggest our Eucalyptus Peppermint blend as your remedy.)
Eucalyptus Peppermint blend's uses are as follows:
-Headaches or migraines. Apply dabs with your fingertip to temples, behind ears, upper lip area, back of neck, and chest. Apply enough that you can smell it once you're finished with application. This blend is particularly helpful with sinus headaches.
-Sinus congestion. Apply to the face, neck, throat, chest, back and/or feet to relieve sinus congestion. You can also add a tablespoon or so into a hot bath for sinus relief.
-Sore throat and runny nose. Apply to the chest, throat and neck to soothe a sore throat or help a runny nose.
-Chest congestion. Apply to the chest and feet to help clear chest congestion. You can also add about a tablespoon into a hot bath.
-Fever reducer. Simply apply all over the body or add to a bath (does not have to be hot, but needs to be at least 76*F temperature).
-Cuts, burns, wounds, sores. Apply a small amount directly to the effected area as many times as you feel necessary until the wound is healed. Eucalyptus Peppermint is antibacterial, anti fungal, anti inflammatory, and antimicrobial and will aid in the fight against infection while healing quickly and minimizing scarring.
-Sore or overworked muscles and nerve pain. Apply to problem areas generously. You will feel the cooling effect immediately and this product will work to seep deep within your skin to relieve pain and inflammation.
-Menstrual cramps. Massage into the back, sides, and stomach area for cramping relief.
-Nausea, vomiting and morning sickness. Apply to the temples, neck, throat and/or chest. You can also either add into your bath or massage into a warm, damp towel or washcloth and drape around your neck.
-Earache. Never put this product directly into the ear! To relieve earaches and ear inflammation, massage to areas surrounding the ear.
-Bug repellant, specifically mosquitoes. Massage anywhere on the body to repel pesky insects.
-Shingles. Apply directly to effected areas.
-Depression. Applying Eucalyptus Peppermint blend anywhere on the body will help elevate your mood.
-Sleepiness. Because our Eucalyptus Peppermint blend is so invigorating, it will help keep your brain stimulated and awake.
-Hair growth. Apply to the scalp (or anywhere else) to increase blood circulation and promote hair growth. Wash thoroughly hair after use.
-Dry skin and chapped lips. Using clean hands, simply massage into effected areas.
-Dry or damaged hair. Before washing: Apply the night before a shower or bath or half an hour before. Spread into your hands and apply to the ends of your hair as generous as you think you need. Be sure to get every strand. Comb if you prefer. Then wash very thoroughly. After washing: Spread a SMALL amount into your hands as if you had only used just enough for it to have been your hand lotion. Finger through damp or nearly dry ends. If you're unsure of how much to use, then use less than you think you should at first.
-General moisturizing or massage. Warm in clean hands and apply anywhere on the body.
-Anti-wrinkle. Apply twice daily to a clean, dry face (and neck+chest). I use this blend as my face cream everyday!
Lemongrass blend's uses are as follows:
-Minor cuts and burns. Lemongrass blend is disinfecting, anti inflammatory, antiseptic, anti bacterial and helps relieve pain topically. Apply a small amount as many times a day as you wish for as long as it takes the abrasion to heal. This blend will minimize scarring and will naturally heal you much quicker than if you didn't use anything at all.
-Headaches and migraines. Apply dabs with your fingertip to temples, behind ears, upper lip area, back of neck, and chest. Apply enough that you can smell it once you're finished with application. (Note*if your headache is sinus related, I suggest our Eucalyptus Peppermint blend as your remedy.)
-Stomachache. Simply massage into the stomach area or add about a tablespoon into a hot bath.
-Cellulite. Add about a tablespoon to a bath or use daily as your regular body moisturizer. Apply generously to effected areas.
-Insect control FOR YOUR PETS. Lemongrass blend helps keep fleas, ticks and lice off of pets and is safe for their skin. Massage into their skin during a bath or massage into their skin all over the body when going outdoors or into heavily wooded areas. *Always consult a vet before making any changes to your pet's regimen.*
-Bug repellant. This is an excellent bug repellant for all insects. (Eucalyptus Peppermint blend is best for specifically mosquitos.) Apply anywhere on the body whenever needed.
-Nervousness, tiredness, stress,anxiety, jet-lag. Massage into the throat, chest, neck, back, and temples to relieve any of these ailments.
-Pain and itching. Apply anywhere on the body where you are experiencing surface pain or itching especially pain and itching associated with cuts, burns, or abrasions.
-Muscle pain. Lemongrass blend's analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties will work together to relieve any muscle pain. Massage into any muscle that you're experiencing pain with.
-Respiratory and sinus conditions and infections. Add a tablespoon or so into a hot bath or a vaporizer to relieve respiratory and sinus issues. You can also apply to the chest, neck, throat, face and back to relieve symptoms.
-Muscle spasms. I have had many customers have excellent results with Lemongrass blend relieving muscle spasms. Simply massage into any problematic muscle as often as you need to.
-Toe fungus. Lemongrass is a very effective anti-fungal and will naturally cure any toe fungus or athletes foot.
-Deodorant. I use this blend daily as my deodorant and it works wonderfully! Apply 2-3x/day to the underarms. You may add baking soda to make a paste and leave on your counter but I find that it works perfectly without and some people have bad reactions from baking soda on their skin. *Keep in mind that O+O Lemongrass blend is a deodorizer and not antiperspirant.*
-Ligament and joint injuries including rheumatoid arthritis. Apply by massaging into any effected area for desired results. Lemongrass blend will seep deep into your skin and improve blood circulation and relieve pain and inflammation causing the pain.
-Dry skin and chapped lips. Using clean hands, simply massage into effected areas.
-Nausea, vomiting and morning sickness. Apply to the temples, neck, throat and/or chest. You can also either add into your bath or massage into a warm, damp towel or washcloth and drape around your neck.
Tea Tree blend's uses are as follows:
-Acne treatment. Tea Tree will dry out and disinfect pimples. Twice daily, apply a single layer to clean skin in place of your regular face lotion. You can also add equal parts of salt or sugar to make an acne-fighting scrub and rinse clean. For body acne, use either of the above mentioned methods or apply to effected areas during your shower or bath, then rinse clean.
-Fungal infection, scabies, athlete's foot, and ringworm treatments. Simply apply a small amount directly to effected areas of the body to treat and cure.
-Lice treatment (especially effective when mixed with our Lavender blend.) Apply to the scalp before or during bath or shower then wash very thoroughly. Repeat daily until fully treated. **It is important to note that this particular product is NOT SAFE FOR INGESTION so be very, very careful leaving jars around small children.**
-Antiseptic. Apply directly to cuts, boils, burns, insect bites or stings, and abrasions. The base to all of our blends will help with the pain relief, swelling, redness, itch, scarring, and infection that come along with these sort of ailments.
-Sore throat, cough, and bronchial issues. Since Tea Tree is not safe for ingestion, how can it treat internally? Easy! Simply massage into area around the chest, neck and face if you choose. You can also add a teaspoon or so into your vaporizer or into a hot bath.
Citronella Rosemary blend's uses are as follows:
-Relieve Muscle Spasms. Citronella Rosemary's antispasmodic properties will help relieve muscle spasms when massaged into the effected area.
-Rheumatoid Arthritis. Simply massage into the effect areas.
-Oily skin. This blend will help balance oil production and reduce the amount of oils your skin produces.
-Pain relief. When applied anywhere on the body, Citronella Rosemary will stimulate blood circulation and promote pain relief.
-Antiseptic. Apply directly to cuts, boils, burns, insect bites or stings, and abrasions. The base to all of our blends will help with the pain relief, swelling, redness, itch, scarring, and infection that come along with these sort of ailments.
-Anti-fungal. Apply anywhere that is currently effected by fungal infections.
-Antidepressant. Applying Citronella Rosemary blend anywhere on the body will help elevate your mood.
-Perfume and Deodorant. Although, not as strong of a deodorant as O+O Lemongrass blend, this blend is a very effective deodorizer and perfume.
-Mild acne treatment. This blend balances oil production, prevents overly oily skin, and has antiseptic properties to heal mild acne. Apply to effected areas twice daily.
-Tightens pores. Apply anywhere you would like to have tighter skin twice daily.
-Evens skin tone. This blend is an excellent face moisturizer as you can see from the last few uses and benefits. Apply twice daily.
-Insect repellant. Apply all over the body to protect yourself from pesky insect bites.
-Anti-anxiety. Apply Citronella Rosemary blend on the temples, front and back of neck, chest and feet to help calm the mind and relax the body.
-Boost immune system. Applying Citronella Rosemary blend daily can help boost your immune system naturally.
-Colds, throat congestion, fever reducer. This is a good blend to use when you're sick of have a fever. Apply anywhere on the body to feel relief and specifically the chest and throat for congestion.
-Asthma. Apply on the chest and back to help relieve asthmatic symptoms.
-Indigestion and flatulence. Massage into the stomach and intestinal area for relief.
-Anti-wrinkle and Anti-aging. This blend is excellent at reducing signs of aging and helping your skin tighten. Apply twice daily to effected areas.
-Dermatitis, Eczema, and Psoriasis. Apply to the effected areas as needed to provide relief and prevention.
-Hair growth. The stimulating properties of these blends help promote hair growth on the scalp when applied.
Uses unique to all O+O products include:
-Effective skin/face moisturizer. Using clean hands, massage your favorite O+O blend anywhere on your body. All blends are intensely moisturizing, anti-aging, deeply penetrating, anti-inflammatory, nourishing, and lubricating.
-Effective antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Apply directly to any cut, abrasion or burn for fast healing. O+O blends will relieve the itch, ensure minimal scarring, reduce pain and inflammation, and fight infection.
-Sunscreen. All of our blends are naturally SPF 10 blocking 90% of UVB rays.
Pro tips:
-O+O blends stay in solid form below 76*F and become liquid above 76*F. Please take care in opening your jar if your product is melted. It will work just the same either way, but if you prefer a solid product just place your jar into the refrigerator until solidified.
-Being that our products melt at 76*F, your body temperature will melt the product ensuring even coverage, deep penetration, and will go a very long way. Because it does goes on as a liquid oil, it will be "greasy" for a moment but it will always soak in completely within minutes.
Ingredients: organic extra virgin coconut oil, organic jojoba oil, organic apricot kernel oil, 100% pure essential oils.